Award Applications for the KSA 2020 Awards Program are due by November 1, 2020

Please be sure to get your applications for 2020 Awards submitted. You have a bit longer this year due to the date of the conference being postponed until December. Go Continue ReadingAward Applications for the KSA 2020 Awards Program are due by November 1, 2020
2020 Fundraiser Underway

Please remember that our fundraiser is still ongoing and tickets can still be purchased from you local Kentucky Sheriff. If you need help acquiring tickets to purchase, contact Tracy Powell Continue Reading2020 Fundraiser Underway
2019 KSA Conference Banquet
2019 KSA Accreditation Recipients
2019 KSA Awards Presentation
Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association Annual Conference
2019 Annual Fundraiser Winner
Week 2 of Ranch Camping in the books.

We’ve had another great week with our first girls group. Another BIG THANK YOU to Wellpath! Here Pam is pictured with our staff. She and Jennifer (not pictured) were such Continue ReadingWeek 2 of Ranch Camping in the books.
Addition To The Board

Nelson County Sheriff Ramon Pineiroa Joins The KSA Board of Directors KSA President Patrick Boggs swears in Sheriff Ramon Pineiroa of Nelson County as one of the ten Directors for Continue ReadingAddition To The Board