Dear Sheriff’s and Friends,
Greetings to all. I would like to thank everyone for their continued support to the KY Sheriffs’ Association. Being elected President of this organization is an honor for which I am extremely humbled and your continued confidence in me is unmeasurable.
The Kentucky Sheriffs Association uses the motto “No Sheriff Stands Alone”! As many people hear that saying and all of our Sheriffs in Kentucky live it every day, here are two instances where that saying came to life. Towards the end of 2021 and during 2022 our Commonwealth was stricken by two Natural Disasters. The first was late December 2021 in Western KY a Tornado torn its way through that region causing catastrophic carnage to the area. The dust was not even settled when the Sheriffs of this state stepped up. They started organizing manpower, supplies and equipment to send and help to support those Sheriffs, deputies and citizens that were living their worst nightmare. The second major natural disaster was a flood to the Eastern region in our Commonwealth. This too caused severe damage, injuries and death. Once again, the Sheriffs and deputies of this state stepped up and sent manpower, supplies and equipment to help with recovery and safety to those afflicted. No Sheriff Stands Alone.
I have witnessed during my time as Sheriff, this organization become a strong voice for each Sheriff in the Commonwealth. I would be remised if I did not thank our Executive Director and his staff. Not only does he advocate for us in Frankfort, but he is always promoting the Boys, & Girls Ranch, and is always available for any Sheriff in need of his expertise and advice. Thank you to my deputies and staff for allowing me to serve the Kentucky Sheriff Association. And thanks to all deputies and staff across the Commonwealth that support their Sheriff and this organization.
Here is a challenge to all Sheriffs. Stay involved with this organization and if any other Sheriff needs assistance, be that one Sheriff living our motto: “No Sheriff Stands alone.”
Mike Jansen, Sheriff
Campbell County Sheriff Office
2023 President, KSA