
Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association ~ Bylaws

Article I: Purposes

The purpose of the Association shall be to promote and protect the Constitutional office of the Sheriff within the Commonwealth of Kentucky; to assist Kentucky’s Sheriffs in the performance of their duties; to provide educational and training opportunities to Sheriffs and their Deputies; to provide expertise and professional services to Sheriffs where required to perform the duties of such office; to promote and provide for the safety of Sheriffs, Deputies and all other law enforcement officers; to educate the public and to otherwise promote the observance of law and order within the Commonwealth, and to suppress crime; and to support and develop the youth of the Commonwealth of Kentucky by sponsoring the Kentucky Sheriffs’ Boys and Girls Ranch for the underprivileged children.

Article II

Section 1:

Every active Sheriff, bonded Deputy Sheriff, former Sheriff, and Sheriff-elect of the Commonwealth of Kentucky shall be eligible for membership in the Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association upon receipt of their annual dues. The annual dues are set by the Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association Board of Directors on an annual basis at a regularly scheduled board of director meeting. Once the annual dues are received, the county’s, and full and part time employees of the Kentucky Sheriffs Association Boys and Girls Ranch that have paid their dues are eligible for the KSA accidental death insurance policy. The Accidental Death policy covers the elected Sheriff in the amount of $10,000 and $5,000 for all other full and part time sworn and un-sworn personnel on the sheriff’s payroll at the time of death.

Motion made by: Sheriff Wright 2nd by Sheriff Cain.

Section 2:

Kentucky Sheriff Associate memberships can be obtained for a fee of $50.00. Of the $50.00, $25.00 will go to the Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association Boys and Girls Ranch; $15.00 will go to the Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association; and $10.00 to Kentucky Pre-Trial Services Records Division. All potential applicants must fill out an application, along with a Criminal Background Check Request Form provided by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Pre-Trial Services. A check for $50.00 will be submitted at the time of the application and background form. A background check will be conducted by a designate determined by the Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association Board of Directors. All applicants must be presented to the KSA Board of Directors for approval. If an applicant is rejected by the KSA Board of Directors a refund of $40.00 will be returned to the applicant. The $10.00 fee will cover the cost of the administrative fee imposed by the Pre-Trial Services Record Division, for the Criminal Background check conducted.

Section 3:

The Board of Directors may, by resolution, prescribe the conditions of eligibility, rights and privileges, and procedures for the selection of associate and honorary members; provided, however, that no associate or honorary member shall be entitled to vote on any matter before the Association, nor shall he or she be eligible for any office in the Association.

Article III

Section 1:

The members shall meet annually at such place and times as the Board of Directors shall designate. Notice of such annual meeting shall be given to each member at least 15 days prior to the meeting. The Kentucky Sheriff’s Associates members will meet at least once a year at the annual Kentucky Sheriff’s Associate conference.

Section 2:

Special meetings of the Association may be called at such time and place as the Board of Directors may designate. Such special meetings may be called by the President, any officer or any member, provided that written notice of any such meeting shall be given at least seventy two (72) hours to each member who is a duly elected or serving Sheriff, such Sheriff being individually responsible of notifying past Sheriff’s or member deputies of the meeting. Notice may be given by mail, facsimile, telephone or email, or a combination thereof.

Section 3:

A majority of the membership present of the Association shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of any business which may come before any annual or special meeting of the Association.

Article IV

Section 1:

The following officers shall be elected at each annual convention: President, Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, and ten members elected to serve as Board Directors. The Immediate Past President shall serve along with each officer for one year. As a Past President you will continue to serve on the Board of Directors as long as you are an elected Sheriff. Vacancies in any office except that of President shall be filled by appointed by the Board of Directors for the unexpired term. The President should move up from Vice-President in case President resigns or passes away. The President, Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, and ten members elected to serve as Board Directors term will consist for one calendar year, beginning on January 1st and the term of office shall commence on December 31 of that year.

Motion made by: Sheriff Blackburn 2nd by Sheriff O’Donnell.The Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association approved.

Section 2:

Any officer may be removed by the Board of Directors for just cause.

Section 3:

Additional nominations for officer of the Association may be made from the floor at the annual convention. Only Sheriffs who were duly elected may be nominated for any office of the Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association Board of Directors. He/She must be duly sworn Sheriff during the full term on the Board of Directors.

Section 4:

The election of officers from among those duly nominated shall be held at the annual convention. Voting shall be a secret ballot. Ballots shall be counted openly by the Secretary-Treasurer and the results immediately announced to the membership. He/She may appoint such tellers as may be needed in the vote tabulation. The President, Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, and ten members elected to serve as Board Directors term will consist for one calendar year, beginning on January 1st and the term of office shall commence on December 31 of that year.

Motion made by: Sheriff Hampton 2nd by Sheriff Sparrow.

The Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association approved.

Section 5:

No person shall vote in any election unless he/she is in attendance and registered at the convention, his annual assessment has been paid, and he is an active Sheriff, one bonded Deputy of an active Sheriff, all former Sheriffs (not presently in office) and all newly elected Sheriffs may vote if (1) his county assessment has been paid or (2) he pays his annual dues of $30.00. Each shall have one vote. He shall identify himself by name and county as an “A” (Active Sheriff): “B” (Bonded Deputy): “C” (Sheriff-elect); or “D” (Former Sheriff) to the Treasurer before being handed a ballot in the election. The Secretary-Treasurer, with his/her assistants, shall keep an accurate record of those who received ballots.

Article V: The officer shall have the following duties:

Section 1.

He shall preside at all meetings of the Association, appoint all standing and such interim committees as shall be necessary to carry on the business of the Association, approve of all other committees, install his successor in office, and do all things appropriate to his office. He shall also serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors and vote off all ties.

Section 2.

The First, Second, and Third Vice-Presidents, in that order,. will perform the duties of the President in the event of his absence or disability and succeed to his office in the event of a vacancy.

Section 3.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall be financial officer of the Association. Such funds shall be deposited by the Secretary-Treasurer to the credit of the Association in such depository or depositories as the Board of Directors may designate. The Secretary-Treasurer shall collect and receive for deposit all monies due and owing to the Association. The Secretary-Treasurer shall draw no checks or warrant for payment of the Association funds without the countersignature of the Chairman of the Board or an office designated by him to so act; provided, however, that the Board of Directors may, by resolution, authorize the Secretary-Treasurer to disburse funds on his signature alone up to a $250.00 amount. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep such records as the Board of Directors may prescribe. At each annual meeting of the Association, he shall submit a complete written report at any time concerning the finances of the Association. Before commencing performance of his duties, the Secretary-Treasurer shall furnish bond, with corporate surety, upon such terms and in such amount as the Board of Directors may prescribe. The bond shall be in favor of the Association and conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. The premium of such bond shall be paid by the Association.

Section 4.

The Sergeant-at-Arms shall maintain order at any meeting of the Association and shall act as doorkeeper at such meetings. He may expel from the place of meeting any person who is creating a disturbance or who is guilty of any other misconduct.

Article VI: Board of Directors

Section 1.

The business and property of the Association shall be managed by the Board of Directors. The President, Immediate Past President, First, Second, and Third Vice-President, The Secretary-Treasurer and the Sergeant-at-Arms shall serve on the Board of Directors for their term in office. The ten (10) Directors, elected at the annual meeting shall serve on the Board for the duration of their terms and until their successors are elected and qualify. All past Presidents for the duration of their term shall serve on the Board of Directors.

Motion made by: Sheriff O’Donnell 2nd by Sheriff Hampton.

The Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association approved.

Section 2.

The President shall serve as Chairman of the Board and in his absence or incapacity, the First, Second, or Third Vice-President shall serve, as the case may be.

Section 3.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve as secretary to the Board. He shall take the minutes of the Board and shall preserve them in a permanent record.

Section 4.

At the annual meeting, the Board shall fix the times, dates and places for regular meetings of the Board of Directors, provided that at least three (3) such meetings shall be held annually. The Board shall provide written notice of changes in regular meetings or of any special meetings of the Board of Directors at least seventy two (72) hours to each member who is duly elected or serving Sheriff, such Sheriff Being individually responsible of notifying past Sheriffs or member deputies of the meeting. Notice may be given by mail, telephone, facsimile or email or a combination of thereof. Any officer or director who shall be absent without valid excuse, that excuse being determined valid by the balance of the Board members, from two (2) consecutive Board meetings shall be considered to have forfeited the office.

Section 5.

A majority of the Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business which may come before the Board.

Section 6.

The Board of Directors may appoint an Executive Director. He/she shall perform such duties as the Board of Directors may prescribe.

Section 7.

Any Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association member who is elected to the Board of Directors of the National Sheriffs’ Association shall automatically become a member of the Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association Board of Directors with all the rights and privileges thereof. Upon leaving the Board of the National Sheriffs’ Association, they would automatically leave the Board of the Kentucky Sheriff’s Association.

Article VII: Legislative Committee

The President shall appoint a Legislative Chairman and committee to consist of ten (10) members. The President shall serve as ex-officio Chairman. One member shall be selected from each of the ten Sheriffs’ Districts of the Commonwealth. The Committee shall have the sole responsibility for the draft of such legislation as the Association may sponsor before the Kentucky General Assembly or other legislative bodies.

Article VIII: Site Committee

The President shall appoint a Site Committee to consist of himself, the Immediate Past President and whomever the President shall select.

Article IX: Long Range Planning Committee

The President shall appoint a Long-Range Planning Committee to consist of him and five others whom the President shall select.

Article X: By-Laws and Constitution Committee

This Committee shall consist of the President and the Immediate Past President and whomever the President shall select.

Article XI: Nomination Committee

The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee to consist of him and five others whom the President shall select.

Article XII: Ranch Committee

The President shall appoint a Ranch Committee to consist of himself and whomever the President shall select.

Article XII: Miscellaneous

Section 1.

Contracts executed by the Association shall be signed by the President or some other officer designated by him and by the Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 2.

The By-Laws may be amended by the Board of Directors at any meeting thereof provided notice of the proposed amendment is contained in the notice of the time and place of the meeting. Each amendment shall be subject to approval of the members at the next annual meeting.

Section 3.

The By-Laws became effective upon adoption by a majority vote of the membership present at the annual meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, Dec. 8, 1994 and shall govern the affairs of the Association from and after their adoption.

Section 4.

Provided that a First Vice-President, upon election to that office, will automatically move the next year to President, providing that he/she is not in bad standing with the Association and meets all provisions of the office.

The current Bylaws were written in 1954, with periodic changes being made.

Article IV section 1 & 4 where amended December 2006 by members of the KSA at the annual KSA Convention in Bowling Green Kentucky.

Article II section 1, Article IV sections 1 and 4, and Article VI section 1 where amended and approved September 2009 by the members of the KSA at the annual convention in Bowling Green, Kentucky.