Colonel Pat Morgan
Chief Deputy Kenton County Sheriff Office
Chief Deputy Col. Morgan can be described as a likable, knowledgeable individual who takes charge when necessary, but is also very content to help others take the lead when possible. Someone who can not only be counted on to get the job done, but one who gets as much pleasure out of standing in a supporting background role as in taking the limelight.
During his 33 plus years in law enforcement, Col. Morgan has earned the respect of co-workers and Sheriffs throughout the Commonwealth. He has always made himself available to any colleague who needed his expertise and advise on matters ranging from state legislation to running a Sheriff’s office. Col. Morgan is an individual who knows just how to get things done.
In addition to being a professional and a friend to law enforcement, he has been a big help to the Kentucky Sheriff’s Association by overseeing the annual conference registration process, assisting with the logistics for training and hospitality, instructing classes for new Sheriff’s, and simply being a problem solver.
The 2019 Kentucky Sheriff’s Association President Award is presented to Chief Deputy Col. Pat Morgan.