Sheriff Sam Steger
Calloway County Sheriff Office
The 2019 Recipient of the Director’s Award has helped the Kentucky Sheriffs Association Boys and Girls Ranch in so many ways that it would be difficult to list them all. To give an idea of the work done by Sheriff Steger we would have to mention that he collects and delivers supplies for all areas of activity at the Ranch including cleaning items, first aid, food, and maintenance.
Sheriff Steger collects and delivers bicycles to give out each week to those campers who earn “Camper of the Week”. Sheriff Steger’s last collection delivered enough bikes to give out two to three bikes each week for two years.
Sheriff Steger efforts on behalf of the KSA Boys and Girls Ranch Raffle include picking up the Gator that is the prize of the Raffle and setting up the display at his county fair to sell raffle tickets. Sheriff Steger also challenges the citizens and businesses in Calloway County to donate to the Ranch, raising thousands of dollars in donations. He provides transportation and personnel to load and unload and haul items to the KSA Annual Conference to be sold by our Ranch Staff to fund raise for the Ranch. Sheriff Steger also worked to obtained a special piece of memorabilia to raffle off during the conference and provides personnel to handle the raffle.
Through his supplies, items, and monetary donations Sheriff Steger has raised a total of nearly $15,000 for the KSA Boys and Girls Ranch. Sheriff Steger, a member of the KSA Board of Directors and Ranch Committee, is the 2019 Kentucky Sheriffs Association Director’s Award Recipient.