
This site is designed to provide information concerning the Office of Sheriff throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky to its citizens and others who wish to contact their local sheriff. It also highlights Sheriffs’ events and our charitable work for the youth of the Commonwealth as well as a resource for the 120 elected Sheriffs in Kentucky.


The purpose of the Kentucky Sheriff’s Association shall be to encourage social, charitable, and educational activities among the Sheriffs; to continue the education of the various Sheriffs and their Deputies within the Commonwealth of Kentucky in all phases of law enforcement practice, procedure and technique; to resist the constant efforts to curtail the efforts of law enforcement officers to preserve law and order within the Commonwealth of Kentucky; to educate the public in the observance of law and order; and, to do any and all things to promote the enforcement of law and order and the suppression of crime. The Kentucky Sheriff’s Association will support the youth in the Commonwealth of Kentucky by Sponsoring the Kentucky Sheriffs’ Boys and Girls Ranch for less fortunate children.